Marc Poncelet
Professor, ISHS-ULg

Doctor in Sociology
European PhD thesis in sociology, 1995, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille I, Villeneuve d'Ascq, URA CNRS 363 Tiers-mondes Afrique, under the direction of Professeur A. Guichaoua, IEDES, Paris I.
Professional experience and university service
Director, PôLE SuD centre (Developing urban societies)
Coordinator, Groupe de recherche en appui à la politique de coopération fédérale "Sociétés civiles, économique sociale et coopération internationale" (Research group in support of the federal cooperation policy "Civil societies, social economy and international cooperation"), ULg, ULB, UCL, 2003-2008
Coordinator (ULg) and professor, Master interuniversitaire complémentaire en Développement, Environnement et Sociétés (Complementary interuniversity master in Development, Environment and Societies), international course.
Professor, Ecole doctorale thématique en Sciences du développement (FNRS) (Thematic doctoral school in Development sciences, Belgian national fund for scientific research)
Associated member, Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences
Member, Commission universitaire au Développement (University Committee for Development), ULg representative (CUD-CIUF)
Coordinator, Coopération universitaire institutionnelle (Institutional university cooperation), CIUF/CUD (French speaking universities of Belgium) -UAC (University of Abomey Calavi, Benin) 2008-2012.,/
Member, Conseil des Relations Internationales (Council for International Relations) of the ULg

Research areas:

• North-South relations

• Developing urban societies

• Civil societies, social movements and international co-operations

• Field of education, youth and social changes in urban Africa
Current teaching duties:

• Approches sociologiques et anthropologiques de la vie quotidienne (Sociological and anthropological approaches to everyday life), ULg, professor

• Éléments de sociologie (Elements of sociology), ULg, professor

• Structures familiales, dynamiques culturelles et globalisation (Family structures, cultural dynamics and globalization), ULg, professor

• Sociologie des interventions dans les pays en développement (Sociology of interventions in developing countries), ULg, professor

• Globalisation et mouvements sociaux (Globalization and social movements), ULg, professor

Setting up and coordination of interuniversity and international teaching and research programmes

• Setting up and coordination of the activity CIUF-UNIKIN 03, Social Sciences and Poverty programme, in the framework of the third institutional Program(2008-2012) of cooperation between the French speaking universities of Belgium and the University of Kinshasa (DRC). Scientific Partner: Prof Lututala, Rector Unikin and responsible of ODHS-Unikin, 6 PhD fellows and 6 Belgian Congolese research programs,/
Setting up and coordination of the activity CIUF-UNILU 04, Culture and Development of African society, programme, in the framework of the third institutional Program(2008-2012) of cooperation between the French speaking universities of Belgium and the University of Lubumbashi (DRC). Scientific Partner Prof Dibwe, Director of Urban Change Observatory (OCU-Unilu) 10 PhD fellows in Belgian universities,/

• Setting up and coordination of the Relève académique programme, in the framework of the institutional cooperation between the CIUF (French speaking universities of Belgium) and the University of Kinshasa, 2003-2009 (DRC)
• Setting up and coordination of the teaching and guidance services of the ULg, within the framework of the international course Master complémentaire et interuniversitaire en Développement, Environnement et Sociétés (Complementary interuniversity master in Development, Environment and Societies), UCL, ULg, FUCAM, FUSL, FUSAGX.

• Setting up and supervision of the DES Populations et dynamiques urbaines (Master in Populations and urban dynamics), with Professors Tabutin (UCL), Leveque (ULB), Klissou and Nouhouayi (UAC, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin), CUD/United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), IRD (former ORSTOM) Dakar.
Direction of PhD theses

Theses already defended:

J.P. Mpiana
Production et reproduction des inégalités dans la ville de Kinshasa - Une approche sociologique des nouveaux itinéraires et des représentations de la réussite sociale (Production and reproduction of inequalities in the town of Kinshasa – A sociological approach of new itineraries and representations of social achievement). University of Kinshasa, december 2008.

• Geoffrey Pleyers, holder of an FNRS scholarship, Sujet, expérience et expertise dans le mouvement altermondialiste (Subject, experience and expertise in the alter-globalization movement), Thesis defended on April 3, 2006, at EHESS, Paris, summa cum laude, under the joint supervision of ISHS, ULg and EHESS.

• Gregor Stangherlin, assistant, Une approche multidimensionnelle et processuelle du militantisme. L’engagement dans les ONG de co-financement (A multi-dimensional and process-based approach of activism. The involvement in co-funding NGOs), February 2004, summa cum laude, EGSS, ULg.

• Gautier Pirotte, holder of an FNRS scholarship, L’invention des sociétés civiles en Europe de l’Est et en Afrique subsaharienne (The invention of civil societies in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa), February 2002, summa cum laude, EGSS, ULg.

• Kimwanga N’Keny Pelerin, Etude des représentations sociales et des cadres du développement dans les ONG belges de co-financement (Study of social representations and development frameworks in Belgian co-funding NGOs), March 1998, summa cum laude, EGSS, ULg.

Theses under progress:

Bénédicte Schoonbroodt
Politiques de santé publique et pratiques de l’accouchement au Brésil (Public health policies and birth practices in Brazil)

E. Sambieni
Politiques et réformes de santé au Bénin de 1991 à 2005 : la délivrance des services de santé maternelle dans la zone sanitaire de Tanguiéta (Health policies and reforms in Benin from 1991 to 2005: the delivery of maternal health services in the sanitary area of Tanguiéta)

J. Wouango
Les surgissements de l’enfant dans les espaces publics des post-colonies africaines. Une approche comparative en Afrique centrale (RDC) et en Afrique de l’ouest (Burkina /Bénin) (Appearance of the child in public spaces of African post-colonies. A comparative approach in Central Africa (DRC) and Western Africa (Burkina/Benin))

Carlos Mendoza
L’Indien, fiction ou réalité ? Le cas de la Bolivie (The Indian, fiction or reality? The case of Bolivia)

M.R. Bapeke
Les associations de pêcheurs en République démocratique du Congo: Organisation, dynamiques et logiques d’acteurs (Fishermen associations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Organisation, dynamics and logics of actors)
Lucille Gretry
L’enfance vulnérable dans les postcolonies africaines en crise (RDC). L’entrée dans le monde adulte et les dispositifs d’intervention envers la jeunesse en danger (Vulnerable Childhood in african postcolony DRC)
Julie Failon
La construction de la profession médicale en Afrique de l’Ouest. Trajectoires individuelles, organisations et politiques publiques. (The construction of medical Profession in West Africa : individual Careers and Health Policies)